Saturday, May 8, 2010

After Trip Thoughts

On the flight home, I asked myself:
Did I enjoy the trip?
My answer was I could not ask for more.
I am very happy and grateful.
Despite the fact that I was traveling solo most of the time, I did not feel lonely at all. I was surprised.
I had lotsa time to do self-reflections, and the trip was very conducive to do reflections.
  Below are some of the things I typed into my cellphone to capture some of the special moments:
"I Love my Freedom!"
"Sometime in Life, we're just finding that special moment."
"Enjoying the world while Bearing in mind the impermanence of life."
"Everybody is searching for the answer, yet we're easily distracted."
"The advancement of a society can be seen from how its disadvantage is being treated."
"It takes abit of imagination to enjoy the old Nara City"
"I enjoy laughing with other tourists."
"I'm insignificant person in the space of time. Gotta enjoy my short journey =)"
"The world is big and I have alot of choices - where I wanna be, what I wanna do."
"Life is not about what you have, but what you make of it. Not about where you've been, but what you have learned and experienced."
"The great thing about backpacking is always meeting nice people and interesting travelers, who left me so inspired. I am just nobody. =)"
"It is not abou the building, but the spirit inside. Can you feel it?"
"I just need those special moments when I realised that I am ALIVE. I am ALWAYS extremely grateful for it."
"Never forget to put on a smile, soon it will be over. Don't forget to enjoy while it last, but don't be attached to it."
"The best experience is always unexpected and unplanned."
"I'm very fortunate to have great friends."
"A great trip is made up of a few moments when I am deeply ALIVE - when I am in the present. Thankful to be ALIVE. Those are the awe-struck moments, inspiring moments, and  moments when I experience a deep sense of peace and happiness from within."

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